Update on OCA's Refusal to Negotiate
Today, COBANC filed an Improper Practice Charge (IP) with the Public Employment Relations Board(PERB)...
Update on Mandatory Testing and Vaccinations
An update on Mandatory Testing and Vaccinations
Mandatory COVID Testing for Unvaccinated State Employees
The recent mandate from Governor Cuomo requires weekly COVID testing of all unvaccinated state workers.
Social Status for Mask Policy
When Judge DiFiore refers to us as her “Court Family”, just exactly what does she mean? Would anyone treat their mother, father, sister, brother, or child this way?
Thoughts As We Celebrate Our Countries Independence
As we prepare to celebrate this Independence Day with barbeques, fireworks, friends and loved ones, let us reflect on why we are doing so...
Message from the President
The upcoming week will be a challenge for all of us...
COBANC Files Against CSEA
COBANC files PERB action against the NYS Unified Court System for unit clarification and placement. We are challenging that, titles in CSEA judicial in Nassau County should be COBANC ‘s.
As the courts prepare to bring everyone back to work at a 100% capacity...
As the courts prepare to bring everyone back to work at a 100% capacity...
A Look-Back at COVID
As we reach the one-year anniversary of this horrific pandemic, we must reflect...
2% Raise Deferred - Again
OCA has opted to continue to defer our raise...
Who is Running the Courts?
These past months have been crazy, to say the least. ..
COVID-19 Vaccinations
As you may be aware, Court Officers and sworn Peace Officers are now included in Phase 1B and are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine which begins today January 11, 2021...
Don't Forget to Vote
We hope this message finds you and your family safe and healthy. We would like to remind everyone, while at work in the courthouses, to be courteous of your fellow members by practicing good hygiene...
We Will Never Forget
Tuesday, September 11, 2001. It started as a beautiful day. The sky was a certain shade of blue that you rarely see. The air had a bite to it signaling the upcoming onset of fall...