As the courts prepare to bring everyone back to work at a 100% capacity...

President's Message
April 28, 2021

As the courts prepare to bring everyone back to work at a 100% capacity on May 24th, we wanted to assure you that we have been and are in conversation daily with the other unions as well we had a labor-management meeting with OCA held yesterday. As it pertains to the opening, we are guided by the District Administrative Judge St. George’s updated protocols, which may change as we draw closer, as well as the CDC. Local is working to ensure these guidelines are followed and there is enough PPE available to all. We will continue to monitor the progress towards opening safely and wisely.  

Some important pay dates are as follows, April 28th Longevity and SLED payments, May 26th Retroactive pay raise will be included in your check.

Please keep in contact with your delegates for changes as they happen.

Stay safe.

In Unity,

Pete Piciulo

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