NYS Court Officer Trainee 45-843 Announcement
Senior Law Librarian 55-836 Informational List (By Rank)
Senior Law Librarian 45-836 Informational List (By Rank)
Law Librarian 45-835 Informational List (By Rank)
55-837 Clerical Assistant Information List (by rank)
45-837 Clerical Assistant Information List (by alpha)
45-837 Clerical Assistant Information List (by rank)
Senior Court Reporter 55-846 Announcement
Senior Court Reporter 55-845 Announcement
Senior Court Reporter 45-844 Announcement
NYS Court Officer Trainee 45-841 Announcement
55-833 NYS Court Officer-Sergeant Informational List (By Alpha)
55-833 NYS Court Officer-Sergeant Informational List (By Rank)
55-832 Principal Court Clerk Informational List By Alpha
55-832 Principal Court Clerk Informational List By Rank
55-831 Associate Court Clerk Informational List by Rank
55-831 Associate Court Clerk Informational List by Alpha
55-830 Law Library Assistant Information List by Rank
45-830 Law Library Assistant Information List by Alpha
45-830 Law Library Assistant Information List by Rank
45-829 Law Library Clerk Information List by Alpha
45-829 Law Library Clerk Information List by Rank
Supervising Clerical Assistant II 55-828 Informational List by Alpha
Supervising Clerical Assistant II 55-828 Informational List by Rank
Supervising Clerical Assistant I 55-827 Informational List by Alpha
Supervising Clerical Assistant I 55-827 Informational List by Rank
Court Assistant 45-826 Informational List by Alpha
Court Assistant 45-826 Informational List by Rank
For general information about careers with the NYS Courts see the Careers in the Courts Brochure that provides information on the application process and outlines career progression through the competitive Civil Service Exam process, legal, managerial and administrative professions. The brochure also illustrates career ladders within job series and outlines opportunities to move between series.
The court system selects qualified candidates through the civil service system for competitive positions, job postings and interviews for non-competitive positions, and personal appointments of Judges to certain positions (e.g., Law Clerk to Judge)
Current Job Opportunities for Competitive and Non-Competitive Titles
Civil Service Exams: Merit and Fitness-based Selection
The civil service system was adopted by the federal and state governments in response to the hiring practices of the ‘spoils’ system. Civil service tests were created to make the hiring and promotion process fair by basing the hiring and promotion solely on test-takers’ performance on these tests. New York State implemented the civil service system in 1894 and mandated that appointments to government positions be made through the competitive civil service examination on the basis of merit and fitness. The mandate applies to positions in government where testing for merit and fitness is feasible. This includes most positions in the court system.
General Exam Information
Current Exams
Exam Study Guides & Resources
Information is available for title-specific civil service exams including exam content, sample questions and sample exams. Also included are general exam preparation guides.
Exam Preparation Guides & Sample Exams
Job Postings and the Interview Panel Selection Process
Some titles in the court system are classified as non-competitive. Qualifications for these titles are not assessed by the competitive testing process because it is not feasible or practical to administer a competitive test. Non-competitive employees work in professions such as legal, information technology, human resources, and social services. Hiring and promotion are based on job experience and education. Typically, qualifications are evaluated by an interview panel. The interview panel reviews candidates’ resumes, conducts interviews and rates candidates on job-relevant criteria.
Personal Appointments
A small number of positions in the court system are filled as personal appointments. Typically, the appointments are made by judges to titles such as Law Clerk to Judge and Secretary to Judge. Employees in these positions assist individual judges with legal research and analysis and help with casework and legal correspondence.